Hujan Air Mata
Buat kamu yang sering nonton tv, lagu ini pasti saja akan menjadi backsoud untuk kejadian dukacita, bencana, pokoknya yang sedih- sedih deh....Ntah mengapa lagu ini sangat “menghipnotis” sekali.
Apalagi kalau lagi ada masalah, gak tau bagaimana menyelesaikannya ,trus dengar lagu ini, waaaaaahhhh air mata dijamin mengalir deras....(hehehehe curhat ....)
Ok , yang mau menyanyikan lagu ini tersedia video dan liriknya, cekidot.....
Jangan lupa persiapkan sapu tangan terlebih dahulu ya...
Spend all your time waiting
For that second chance,
For a break that would make it okay.

There's always some reason
To feel not good enough,
And it's hard, at the end of the day.
I need some distraction,
Oh, beautiful release.
Memories seep from my veins.
Let me be empty,
Oh, and weightless, and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight.
In the arms of the angel,
Fly away from here,
From this dark, cold hotel room,
And the endlessness that you fear.
You are pulled from the wreckage,
Of your silent reverie.
You're in the arms of the angel,
May you find some comfort here.
So tired of the straight line,
And everywhere you turn,
There's vultures and thieves at your back.
The storm keeps on twisting.
Keep on building the lies
That you make up for all that you lack.
It don't make no difference,
Escape one last time.
It's easier to believe in this sweet madness,
Oh, this glorious sadness,
That brings me to my knees.

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